Wednesday, 20 November 2013



She is not a newly hatched bird but a young woman with super special dreaming powers. She realized just how special they were when every time she dreamed of a particular thing for too long, it comes to past-FOR REAL. Not by magic but by efforts put in place by her every day to fulfilling what she had imagined. She had used her dreams to fashion out the way her reality looks like and it was always so real that it’s quite unfortunate no one else sees it except her, always there pictured in her mind waiting to get its expression in reality.
 Seeing a dream come to life gave her purpose and that purpose drives her every day, some people admire her for it while some others criticize her deeply but despite all the critic and admiration- nobody has ever stopped her from dreaming because she is the only one that decides if those dreams come to life or not.

She has a choice every day when she wakes up to either start from where she left off or abandon it and give up on all that she had imagined so far because when a dream that is fought for is fulfilled, it always isn’t only her that reap the rewards, it always affect everyone around her positively- so why should she stop dreaming?

She has also come to realize that the challenges that try to stop her dreams are huddles she must climb to reach her fulfillment, some of them are low while others can be really high. That’s why she doesn’t go through it alone- She has the Holy Trinity-God “the Father, God “the Son”, God “the Holy Ghost. Three in one mighty super heroes with powers greater than her dreams ever there with her always as she needs help to fulfilling her dreams, help that directs her super dreaming powers positively so that it brings peace and not destruction, joy and not pain, change and not stagnancy.

Once you have given your life to Christ, you must begin to dream bigger. Far beyond the life you now have but into eternity- the life you have been guaranteed to possess. How do you intend to spend eternity? Dream it! Let that drive you with every breath you have, asking the “Holy Trinity” who have given you power not of fear but of love and a sound mind to dream beyond your physical abilities and help you every step of the way to fulfill it. They will not only align your dreams with Their thoughts-which are good and not of evil that you may have a future- but also direct your path into eternity to spend it with Them by Their right side forever more.

Where are the dreamers of today? You will find them on top, flying in the sky with their awesome dreaming powers. Even when they are down, they never always stay down because they never stop dreaming, which plunges them back up, never limiting them to their present situations but stretching them out far beyond the future. Their dreams always come to past eventually and in most cases out live them-they are the World’s Greatest.

If you are courageous enough to dream it, you will be strong enough to achieve it. Anyone can steal everything from you, but no one can ever take your dreams.
Ever wonder what your will to live is, why you still have life in you? It’s because your dreams are yet to come true- super dreaming hero, your cloak is your body and your powers come from your mind. Therefore, guard it with all your might because through it flows the issues of life.

The God that parted the red sea for the Israelites to walk through is still able to do exceedingly more than you can ever think or imagine. So don’t give up on your dreams and don’t ever give up on God.

I am the “DreamChick” and my dream is to live a life of dominion and multiplication on Earth and an eternity victorious and filled with praise at the right side of God. I’m a dreamer…I Spread the Word! I shine my light!
What about you?


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