The Lord’s faithfulness even in our
unfaithfulness shows just how great His love is because being alive to see the
end of 2013 is a testimony. Alot of people don't know the battle that happens
each second for our lives to be preserved spiritually that manifests in the
physical realm. We are unseeingly unaware of the entities that protect us daily.
Angels guarding us, directing us ensuring
that every second of our lives is under protection from evil and ourselves.
It’s unfortunate that some people have not come to the understanding that the
world is more spiritual than physical. Our emotions, thoughts, and actions are
all products of our spirit being than the physical. Man is a spirit being
living in a physical body is the truth that cannot be disputed.
If only we could see, what we really look
like in the spirit. Most of us are grown and mature on the outside but when in
the spirit, we are still babies and we probably have been babies all our lives
without even seeking to grow. Everything is controlled in the spiritual,that is
why some individuals who have understanding of this misuse this information by
tampering with the spiritual; offering blood sacrifices, practicing occult and
so on. They are fully aware of the fact that the spiritual most definitely controls
the physical.
Powers beyond our imagination exist in the
spiritual, sometimes they manifest in the physical in our shallow view we tag
it extra-terrestrial but its more terrestrial than we know it. Only if
our eyes of understanding were opened.
What made Elijah call fire from heaven,
what made Moses turn a stick into a snake, what made Paul and Silas not get
burned in the fire, what made Jesus turn water to wine and what exactly made
Him die and resurrect after three days? These are all unexplained acts in the physical but they very much have its meaning in the spiritual.
We are more spirit than physical, once you
have that understanding you would begin to have a good idea of how things work
the way they do, why people act the way they do and why things happen the way
they do.
When you have problems in the physical
that are unexplained, they always have a solution in the spiritual, an
explanation of some sort that clearly defines the situation you are in and
helps you tackle it accordingly.
We are never alone, we are all influenced
by the spiritual in our thoughts, words and actions. That is why psychologist
can explain some things due to some certain patterns they have seen overtime
but they cannot explain what brings about the pattern in the first place. Why
do people commit suicide, why do people become serial killers...There are
explainable patterns to every attitude but what exactly is responsible for
those patterns are usually not physically explainable but the spirit realm has
all the answers.
Scientist have tried their best to define
most things but try as they might they will never be able to explain some
things because they have a myopic view of how things really are. No explanation
starts from the physical, if it does why hasn't anyone explained how a child
turns from a sperm to a human being, how the child survives in the womb or
explain exactly why they can’t yet clone a human being.
Let's not deceive ourselves or live in
denial, this world is more spiritual than physical. The earlier we start
to live our lives maturing in the spirit more than we do strive to do in the
physical, the better our lives on Earth and our afterlives will be.
Είμαστε όλοι πνεύματα που ζουν σε ένα φυσικό σώμα-We
are all spirits living in a physical body
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