Today, I am celebrating my birthday and reflecting on the past 20+ years and I have concluded that they have been a krazy but good years. I have been through breaking my right hand, to wearing a cast for 6months, I have faced being separated from my mum because of divorce to getting a new stepmother who is equally cool. I have participated actively in a band as a flute player in primary school to being a perfect in secondary school and I haven’t forgotten joining politics as the vice president of my department’s association in the University.
I have been loved, I have also taken love for granted and I have loved.
I have studied Estate management, Art, Business and Engineering...-Trust me, I read all these things through Christ that strengthens me-... I had my first published journal last year November in the prestigious JOM for engineers and it was a dream come true.
I have had a series of disappointments majorly from the opposite sex but I have also had some uplifting moments.
It has been a real journey for me, I am totally feeling like a grown up but i wonder if I will ever be an
The ups and downs have made life fun for a storyteller...I have a lot of experiences to share but I am only waiting for the right time to dish it all out.
I am a dreamer and still have alot under my sleeve... Although right now i have tried my hands in so many things but all so far haven’t yielded great returns but I am hopeful.
I know I still have alot to learn...I am constantly a work in progress but I am certain I am experienced enough to dish out what I have learnt so far...
Here it goes...
1. PUT GOD FIRST ...Well, this life is all about Him whether you believe it or not. So just ensure that you don’t get Him jealous by putting every other thing ahead of Him... All those that have eyes, let them read this and know now ooo...
2. BE THANKFUL ALWAYS... Off course, this will be on my No.2 ..not just because my name means “thank you “ in Yoruba ...(Oluwaseunayofunmimodupeola).. Whew, Long right?... but because gratitude is everything. The more you are thankful for what you have, the more you have...It’s a proven principle.
3. LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT, SO MAKE IT COUNT! I don’t think I need to elaborate this any further
4. SLEEP! SLEEP! AND SLEEP WELL! ...Sleep is extremely vital, it doesn’t mean you are lazy but means you are healthy...I am a dreamer so I am mostly asleep and achieve my dreams when I wake...
5. FORGIVE LIKE CHILDREN DO...They forgive easily and forget all wrongs... It is the secret to a good life.
7. DON’T EVER MIX BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE...Trust me, it comes out all wrong eventually, but pleasure after business is awesome! lol
8. YOU ARE ON A JOURNEY CALLED LIFE SO WHEN YOU TRIP AND FALL WITH CHALLENGES/STRIVE &HATRED, HONEY GET UP AND DONT STAY ON THE GROUND FOR TOO LONG... In all my years -and I am Old, very, very old- I haven’t ever seen or read of someone that fell on the floor and refused to get up forever...Please, don’t be that person....Okay, maybe am not too old
9. YOU MUST BE WILLING TO SACRIFICE... Somethings gotta give ...
10. THE TRUE ENEMY ARE NOT PEOPLE; THEY ARE SPIRITUALITIES AND POWERS... It leads us back to number 1...Put God first, He only can save you from your true enemies
PS: Happy Birthday to me