everyone! This is the place where we all go to for solace. Especially when our
hearts has been sliced into two by someone we loved so dearly we didn't even
see the knife coming...Traitor!
everyone has been to this hotel though; I call them the lucky few. Or should I
call it grace? I really don’t know where to classify them under and I don’t care
either because this write up is not for miss-i–have-never-been-heartbroken-before...
raised eyebrows. Instead, this write up is for all those that have been
betrayed, lied to, cheated on, insulted, abused, violated and left to lick up
all these wounds all by themselves. If you fit in this category, please read on
my dear.
am writing this piece because i have logged in this place for quite a number of
times, I know almost every route in getting here and have visited almost all
the rooms it has in it...Let me share a little with you because now we are best
friends as we have something in common that binds us together.
first experience was when I was cheated on. My goodness, all hell broke loose as
I felt so betrayed, it cut deep into my self esteem and left me scarred for a
very long time so I really thought that that was the worst that could ever
happen... Bla! I was naive.Little
did I know that cheating was just the tip of it, the next would be emotional
abuse. The person in question used my emotions to insult me so deeply that I
cry myself to sleep most nights afterwards because he made me feel like a weakling
and worthless. But that was no match for the third time I visited the
heartbreak hotel, this time the person involved was so manipulating, I almost didn't think for myself the whole time we dated.It
was just one roller coaster ride to another, from boys not picking up my calls
anymore after an awesome date out to boys just avoiding me completely after we
have both concluded that we liked each other.
from one bad experience to another drove me deep into this hotel that an
inscription of my name will almost be seen on every wall and bathroom inclusive...that was where
I do most of my crying.
have come to realize and have concluded with my little but painful experiences that
killing oneself or driving a knife through ones wrist or running mad...which is
the craziest most popular tactics among African's queens...ARE NOT JUST WORTH IT!
me; you have to get to that point where you decide never again to allow people
that are hateful to turn you on yourself. You have to be strong, wave the dust
off your shoulder by taking as long as you want to heal, cry it all out as it
will help you feel better. Find something you love and do it till it bores you out...For
me its writing. You could also find someone random you can tell it all to that doesn't know you enough to judge you or someone who knows you better than you know yourself and who will heal you from the inside out...That's Jesus. This is all part of the healing process, the more
you talk about it the better you heal.
Finally, look beautiful as always. Don’t ever
let you go. You have to be hopeful and be prepared for the next relationship
because not all will be bad; some will turn out good or great. Therefore, you
have to be prepared for it when it comes and not give any excuses not to let it
heart break hotel is a place to spend the night not all day, so by morning,
ensure you check out of there as soon as you wake up! Once you walk out of its
doors, please leave your past behind as much as possible and breath the fresh
air of the future because no matter what happens, remember that nights have
never ever lasted for eternity, it will always give way to the mornings.So
take advantage of this fact and spread the word, shine your light because you
are beautiful....
Potter's Image
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