Tuesday, 31 December 2013 0 comments

My 2013 Closing Remark

                    My 2013 Closing Remark

This is the last day of the month of December and the last day of the year 2013, its a good day the Lord has made, we should rejoice and be glad in it especially because we are alive to witness today. As we approach a new year, it should be a time to ponder and really think of what we want out of the coming year and how we would want it to turn out.

We are prophets of our own selves and therefore we have the ability to speak into what we want and how we want it to be, finishing it up by asking God to give us wisdom, knowledge and understanding so that what we ask for is what He wants us to have.

Its not a joke that time waits for no one but its sure funny to note that we all have time to set things right, as long as we are alive, we have all the time in the world to make plans, develop ourselves and make our future much better. We have time to correct our mistakes if we can and not avoid them, apologize to those that we have hurt in 2013, have mercy on those that have hurt us in anyway and reconsider those action that we know will not do anyone good or bring glory to God.

We must remember that we have choices and we must make them irrespective of how hard they may seem but most importantly we remember that the choice we make affects the pattern our lives follow.

Let us enter this new year with hope and faith that as long as you have God, and because Jesus lives, you can face 2014 and the events that follows it. No fear or worries because whether good or bad, it doesn't mean that you won't pull through it.

Sin is the problem of the world-my pastor always says- not corruption, discrimination, greed, anger, murder or poverty but Sin...

If we would like to have a better world, then we must destroy sin and our sinful nature, we can only achieve this by giving our lives to the only one who has no sin in Him...Jesus Christ- Ask him to forgive our past and give us a new future in Him.

Remember even when you start to backslide that you have the power to be righteous, ask for grace and you will get it in Jesus name.

I thank God for  the opportunity of this blog, He used me as an instrument and am glad i allowed myself to become a vessel . I am happy every time i write but i try to write words that exhort and lift one's spirit, gives us hope and assures us that we are not alone in this journey nor are we helpless in this battle for our souls.

                                            Happy New Year....God bless you

                                            Spread the word, Shine your light!

Tuesday, 24 December 2013 0 comments

If Only

Είμαστε όλοι πνεύματα που ζουν σε ένα φυσικό σώμα

The Lord’s faithfulness even in our unfaithfulness shows just how great His love is because being alive to see the end of 2013 is a testimony. Alot of people don't know the battle that happens each second for our lives to be preserved spiritually that manifests in the physical realm. We are unseeingly unaware of the entities that protect us daily.

Angels guarding us, directing us ensuring that every second of our lives is under protection from evil and ourselves. It’s unfortunate that some people have not come to the understanding that the world is more spiritual than physical. Our emotions, thoughts, and actions are all products of our spirit being than the physical. Man is a spirit being living in a physical body is the truth that cannot be disputed.

If only we could see, what we really look like in the spirit. Most of us are grown and mature on the outside but when in the spirit, we are still babies and we probably have been babies all our lives without even seeking to grow. Everything is controlled in the spiritual,that is why some individuals who have understanding of this misuse this information by tampering with the spiritual; offering blood sacrifices, practicing occult and so on. They are fully aware of the fact that the spiritual most definitely controls the physical.

Powers beyond our imagination exist in the spiritual, sometimes they manifest in the physical in our shallow view we tag it extra-terrestrial but its more terrestrial than we know it.  Only if our eyes of understanding were opened.

What made Elijah call fire from heaven, what made Moses turn a stick into a snake, what made Paul and Silas not get burned in the fire, what made Jesus turn water to wine and what exactly made Him die and resurrect after three days? These are all unexplained acts in the physical but they very much have its meaning in the spiritual.

We are more spirit than physical, once you have that understanding you would begin to have a good idea of how things work the way they do, why people act the way they do and why things happen the way they do.

When you have problems in the physical that are unexplained, they always have a solution in the spiritual, an explanation of some sort that clearly defines the situation you are in and helps you tackle it accordingly.

We are never alone, we are all influenced by the spiritual in our thoughts, words and actions. That is why psychologist can explain some things due to some certain patterns they have seen overtime but they cannot explain what brings about the pattern in the first place. Why do people commit suicide, why do people become serial killers...There are explainable patterns to every attitude but what exactly is responsible for those patterns are usually not physically explainable but the spirit realm has all the answers.

Scientist have tried their best to define most things but try as they might they will never be able to explain some things because they have a myopic view of how things really are. No explanation starts from the physical, if it does why hasn't anyone explained how a child turns from a sperm to a human being, how the child survives in the womb or explain exactly why they can’t yet clone a human being. 

Let's not deceive ourselves or live in denial, this world is more spiritual than physical. The earlier we start to live our lives maturing in the spirit more than we do strive to do in the physical, the better our lives on Earth and our afterlives will be.

Είμαστε όλοι πνεύματα που ζουν σε ένα φυσικό σώμα-We are all spirits living in a physical body


Monday, 23 December 2013 0 comments

"My Year 2013 Testimonies"

          "My Year 2013 Testimonies"

Yes, am still blogging...Its the perfect way to end the year, telling the world what the Lord has done, giving Him all the glory and confirming His faithfulness... In exactly sixteen days from now,-its 8 days now  as i wrote this initially on the 15th-  the year 2013 comes to an end. I have never been so grateful i am a Christian than i was this year because as i look back remembering the challenges i encountered, i know without a doubt that i didn't see myself through it alone. I had some sort of overly spiritual help that seems like its not there but it's always there waiting, watching, willing to help, ready to win and eager to tak all the glory.

The most depressing situation i had to pull through this year was when i was disobedient, i had been born again and old things were supposed to be past away and all things were expected to become new. I went back to my old ways just a little bit. I had a guilty pleasure that i couldn't help resist the temptation when it came. I knew it was wrong but i couldn't seem to find the strength to avoid it or Flee!

Within months i started to reap the rewards, i was slowly but surely backsliding and i started to become uneasy. The rewards when it finally came was too much for me to bear, i was overpowered by forces my physical nature couldn't overpower and to make it worse, i was told i was sick. That was all i could bear, i could  take the shame, the despair, the possible regret but i couldn't bear to stand the sickness..

I decided to fight back, i knew where all the emotions and pains were coming from. i knew where i had gone wrong and thank God i was spiritually mature enough to know how to deal with the problem.

The first thing i did was to go for deliverance, i wanted to be sure that when i approached the feet of the Lord, i was doing it with a clean and clear heart. I confessed my sins to the Lord who is so merciful and i went into a spiritual battle to regain my health.

I was depressed most of the time all this was happening, it wasn't an easy thing to overcome because the more i prophesied health to my body, the more i became sick. I had to seek the face of the Lord, i knew i was disobedient and probably didn't deserve to be delivered but, i knew that the thoughts the Lord had for me was for good and not of evil, i knew the Lord wasn't the one that makes people sick- it was solely the Devil's doing- The devil uses your sins against you, steals something precious from you-mine was my health- destroys you through what he has stolen and finally, he kills you. I couldn't let that happen, i was still in the first stage of him stealing my health-that was just my physical body, i was still very health spiritually, i couldn't possibly allow him advance to destroying me through it- so i fought the only way i knew how.

I renewed my lost relationship with the Holy Spirit, i started to read the Bible and prophesy using the words i saw. I confessed my sins to God and asked Him to be merciful upon me, acknowledging that i was wrong but what i wanted most of all was the Lord's will to be done. If it was His will for me to remain sick and He still gets the glory,then, so be it. But if not, i was willing to follow Him to the latter to get rid of this illness so that i could brag about it and He can take all the Glory.

The hardest thing was making sure i didn't succumb to my present reality, my reality reminded me i was sick but spiritually i was healed. It was only a matter of time before the physical paved way for the spiritual.

It wasn't easy, but it was worth the exercise, because as i write, i am completely healed, hail and healthy. It wasn't because i knew all the biblical scriptures or because i am special in any way. It was only through the grace of God, that grace gave me the zeal to fight and to win that battle, that grace was made available even when i didn't deserve it.

This is one test of several others i experienced this year, the testimonies is what makes me a winner. Victorious over battles that comes my way. There will be other more challenging situations,  i know...I will handleit a situation at a time. These challenges only makes me stronger, confirms i did the right thing by giving my life to Christ and finally, it gives me something to brag about... Am so grateful! To God be the glory