Monday, 23 September 2013

“Love is the Greatest”

“Love is the Greatest”

I was seventeen years old when he first told me he loved me, I wasn't wise enough to fully understand the gravity of such a confession, unfortunately for me, I took it all for granted. 

He was young, funny, smart and witty. He didn’t talk to too many girls, had a few male friends but he was one of those boys that all girls wanted to talk with and most boys wanted to hang out with. What made me so peculiar that he would single me out from the lot and decide to love me? I have no idea, but as I said; I took it for granted.

My first gift from him was a set of colour pencils, the next gift was a music mix tape. His actions spoke louder than words encouraging whatever creativity he saw in me, but I still took it all for granted.

I remember how he would come over to my house very early in the morning and won’t leave until late in the evening. He would meet my family and we would talk about everything and anything, make plans for the future like we would spend it together. He had dreams of becoming a millionaire, I had dreams but they didn’t involve money or boys, I just took everything for granted.

I was much older than seventeen when I first told him I loved him, Many years had gone by and i wasn’t too young to fully understand the gravity of my confession. He had become a part of me without even letting him in and i have fallen so hard in love, I just hope he doesn’t now take it for granted.

I am wiser now, experienced, disciplined and extremely focused. I talk to too many girls, have many male friends but I am not one of those girls that all girls wanted to talk with and most boys wanted to hang out with. He ended up becoming so peculiar that I singled him out from the lot and couldn't help but love him.
 I had met and seen enough, i had to go through so much pain to appreciate and value him, never again taking him for granted.. 

My first gift to him was a fix cap, the next gift was a vase I had made myself and a handmade card. My creativity was at its highest hoping my actions would speak as loud as my words, I just hope he doesn’t take it for granted.

I remember how I would later love to go to his house very early in the day and won’t leave until late in the evening. We would talk about everything and anything, still making plans for the future as I hoped secretly we would end up spending it together. His dreams of becoming a millionaire hasn’t died out and my dreams now involved mostly money and a boy…see transformation!

Love changed me, turning me into someone different. It brought out the best part of me that I never knew existed, I now appreciate what I have and I pray he doesn't end up taking me for granted.

 I may not have my happy ending but I will never ever take anything else for granted again … lessons learnt
             “If you are ever given a second chance, don’t ever hesitate to take it.”

Although there is no comparison with God’s love for us, we must understand that we have been given second chances. He loved us first unconditionally and waits patiently for us to fully come to appreciate it and then reciprocate it accordingly. Trust me, nobody will ever love you like He does….EVER!
 He modelled that love so well that He came and died for us on the cross of Calvary to show us just how much He loved us. We might take it for granted at first, maybe because we have little understanding but then when we have met and seen enough, we would realize that He is the greatest amongst the lot and hopefully, we would come to value Him and never take Him for granted. 
... even if you do take Him for granted, that doesn’t stop Him from loving you still…

                        No wonder He is called love, "God truly is the greatest"


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